About Us
Cat Rescue Club is a website designed to showcase Double the Donation’s matching gift service for nonprofits and education institutions.
It’s a made-up nonprofit attached to a demo Double the Donation account for demonstration purposes.
Cat Rescue Club is a website designed to showcase Double the Donation’s matching gift service for nonprofits and education institutions.
It’s a made-up nonprofit attached to a demo Double the Donation account for demonstration purposes.
We’ve created a sample dedicated matching gift page. Your nonprofit would create a similar page on your own website.
When Double the Donation triggers automated matching gift emails out to your donors, they’ll be directed to your dedicated matching gift page. Each time a user clicks on the “see if your company will match your gift link” in an email, we’ll log a donor’s usage of the matching gift plugin in Double the Donation.
We created a sample donation form like your nonprofit has on your website.
During the donation process, we can identify match-eligible donors based on their email domain, an optional streamlined search added to the donation form, and our plugin added to the confirmation page. Donor data gets logged in Double the Donation and the appropriate matching gift automation series goes out based on your desired configuration.